Speaking, reading, writing and creative thinking which is the fabric for your child to achieve their dreams.

Language and communication domain are skills that develop over time.  When you child is meeting this domain, they will have the prerequisites to speaking, reading, writing and creative thinking which can support them as an adult in achieving their dreams.  The child will have the ability to understand words and context (receptive language), body language, and spoken words to communicate his/her wants, needs and ideas (expressive language).

The chart below identifies several skills your child should demonstrate by age 12 months, 24 months, 36 months, 4 years old, and 5 years old for Language and Communication Growth:


Age Language & Communication Skills
12 months (1 year) Uses hand and body gestures to indicate “no” or greetings “hi” and “bye”
Makes sounds and babbles with changes in tone and imitates speech
Orally (expressive) says “mama”, “papa”, “dada”, “uh-oh!”
Tries to repeat (echoics) what you are saying
Responds to simple spoken requests (sit down, come here)


Age Language & Communication Skills
24 months (2 years) Orally (expressive) has 50 different words
Orally (expressive) and shakes head “no” and “yes”
Follows simple instructions
Points and gestures to show someone what they want named/labeled
Orally (expressive) sentences with 2 to 4 words
Speaks clearly enough that parents can understand 50% of words
Repeats (echoics) words overheard in a conversation
Identifies names of familiar people and body parts (pointing or speaking)



Age Language & Communication Skills
36 months (3 years) Follows instruction (receptive) with 2 to 3 steps
Can hold a conversation with 2 to 3 sentences
Orally (expressive) their name, age, gender
Begins to use pronouns (I, me, we, you)
Understands (receptive) prepositions (in, over, under, on)
Orally (expressive) and identifies (receptive) common objects
Answers “where” questions
Orally (expressive) has 450-word vocabulary


Age Language & Communication Skills
4 Years Continues to demonstrate prepositions correctly (i.e. he for boy; she for girl)
Orally (expressive) states their first and last name
Tells stories and sings songs/nursery rhymes from memory
Orally (expressive) has 4-5 word sentences
Orally (expressive) has nearly 1,000-word vocabulary
Understands (receptive) time and opposites (yesterday, lunchtime, bedtime, tonight, little, big)
Identifies and labels at least one color


Age Language & Communication Skills
5 Years Speaks clearly and most people understand
Uses future tense (“We are going to the store”)
Orally (verbalizes) full name and address
Orally (verbalizes) about daily activities (food, money)
Uses 4 to 5 word sentences
Orally (expressive) has nearly 1,000-word vocabulary
Asks many questions “who, what, why”