4 Practical Tips to Prepare Your Child with Autism Transition into Adulthood

Every child with autism will come across a period when he or she needs to transition to another school, another milestone in life, another house, etc. As a parent, preparing for this process early will make things easier on the entire family, not just your child with autism. In life, transitions are one of the […]

5 Behavioral Strategies for Parents with Children Diagnosed with ASD

Are you a parent of a child diagnosed with autism? If so, have you ever asked yourself, “How can I teach my child to brush his teeth?” “What is motivating to my child?” and maybe even “What can I use to reward my child?” These are common questions that many parents with a child on […]

4 Steps to Start Communication Training With Your Child

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40% of children diagnosed with autism are non-verbal. Because of their inability to communicate, they become frustrated. As their level of frustration escalates, the situation often turns into the child exhibiting behavioral issues. Functional Communication skills is, first and foremost, one of the most important […]

April Newsletter – Updates, Free Download, and Promotions

What’s Happening? Join the Special Learning Family (Ever Learning’s parent company) as we embrace the social importance of Autism Advancement and not just awareness. April 2nd of every year is considered “Light it Up Blue” for Autism Awareness Month. As this movement has continued to grow over the past decade, caregivers and persons living with […]

Responding To Remarks About Your Child’s Differences

Those first few years, I struggled with explanations about my son’s differences. The grocery store checkout is a stage of many memories where I’ve bumbled through awkward explanations about my son’s medical challenges and how they related to the more obvious signs: the feeding tube, eye patch, orthotics, gait trainer, helmet, and other unusual accessories. […]

How to Sleep Train Your Child with Affordable Bluetooth Technology

Establishing proper routines is paramount to child development, and bedtime is one of the first routines they will learn. Most children will have sleep struggles from time to time, but research shows children on the autism spectrum are more likely to have sleep disorders. Here are a few theories as to why: Children with autism, […]

Historia Social “Duermo en mi cama” Plan de Estudios

Enséñale a tu hijo a dormir en su propia cama con nuestra historia social “Duermo en mi cama”, diseñada para padres y maestros que trabajan con niños con necesidades especiales. Las historias sociales son libros cortos ilustrados que ayudan a personas dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), Síndrome Down y otras discapacidades del desarrollo […]

Treating Food Refusal & Selectivity in Children With ASD

<< Back To Dashboard This 120-minute webcast provides an overview of the use of applied behavior analytic principles to assess and treat food refusal and selectivity. Feeding problems in children with ASD is treatable. The same as any challenging behavior, the behavior must first be assessed to determine the maintaining variables and determine potential reinforcers. […]

Toilet Training 101: How to Get Started

<< Back To Dashboard This training is only 60-minutes in length and designed to provide you with practical tips and techniques that you can implement immediately after our training sessions. During this training, you will learn: How to get started: How to create a simple plan, deciding a method, and gathering supplies Review common toileting […]
