Category Archives: Social Stories

Historia Social “Duermo en mi cama” Plan de Estudios

Enséñale a tu hijo a dormir en su propia cama con nuestra historia social “Duermo en mi cama”, diseñada para padres y maestros que trabajan con niños con necesidades especiales. Las historias sociales son libros cortos ilustrados que ayudan a personas dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), Síndrome Down y otras discapacidades del desarrollo […]

Saying Thank You Social Story

Teach your child how and when to say thank you to others with our unique Saying Thank You Social Story, designed for parents and teachers working with children with special needs. Social stories are short illustrated books that help teach individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities the specific social “rules” or […]

Saying Goodbye Social Story

Teach your child how and when to say goodbye when leaving others with our unique Saying Good Bye Social Story, designed for parents and teachers working with children with special needs. Social stories are short illustrated books that help teach individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities the specific social “rules” or […]

Saying Hi Social Story

Teach your child how and when to greet others with our unique Saying Hi Social Story, designed for parents and teachers working with children with special needs. Social stories are short illustrated books that help teach individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities the specific social “rules” or “norms” that are generally […]

Asking For Help Social Story

Teach your child how and when to ask for help with our unique Asking for Help Social Story, designed for parents and teachers working with children with special needs. Social stories are short illustrated books that help teach individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities the specific social “rules” or “norms” that […]

Trying When Its Hard Social Story

Teach your child the importance of trying with our unique Trying When It’s Hard Social Story designed for parents and teachers working with children with special needs. Social stories are short illustrated books that help teach individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities the specific social “rules” or “norms” that are […]

Historia Social “Pedir un descanso” Plan de Estudios

Enséñale a tu hijo como y cuando pedir un descanso con nuestra historia social “Pedir un descanso”, diseñada para padres y maestros que trabajan con niños con necesidades especiales. Las historias sociales son libros cortos ilustrados que ayudan a personas dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), Síndrome Down y otras discapacidades del desarrollo las […]

Historia Social “Levanto mi mano” Plan de Estudios

Enséñale a tu hijo como y cuando levantar su mano en clases con nuestra historia social “Levanto mi mano”, diseñada para padres y maestros que trabajan con niños con necesidades especiales. Las historias sociales son libros cortos ilustrados que ayudan a personas dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), Síndrome Down y otras discapacidades del […]

Historia Social “Camino por el pasillo” Plan de Estudios

Enséñale a tu hijo a caminar por el pasillo del colegio con nuestra historia social “Camino por el pasillo”, diseñada para padres y maestros que trabajan con niños con necesidades especiales. Las historias sociales son libros cortos ilustrados que ayudan a personas dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), Síndrome Down y otras discapacidades del […]
